Ulverscroft is committed to ensuring this website is fully inclusive and that all pages on the site comply with web accessibility guidelines.
Due to the size and complexity of our web presence, this is an ongoing process. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the accessibility of this site, or if you experience any difficulty using it, please contact us.
Images, Font-sizes and Colours
HTML heading tags are used to convey document structure. H1 tags are used for main titles, H2 tags for subtitles, and so on.
As much as possible, we have tried to ensure that all images have descriptive alternate text, or where images are used for decoration, they have empty alt tags.
Font sizes
You may change the font size of this document to your preference through your browser:
In Internet Explorer, select View, then Text Size, and then your preferred size. In Firefox select View, then Text Size, and then increase or decrease as required. In Chrome, you may use the zoom function to increase the font-size.
Style sheets
This site uses cascading style sheets (CSS) for visual layout.
JavaScript is used on the website to improve usability.
Linking text has generally been written to make sense out of context.